Chinese-West Medical Center

Business Cosmetic & Health

The Chinese-West Medical Center(中西医结合医疗中心) is a medical group focused on providing high-quality health services for help many kind pain and functional disorder.

Find the best way to relieve your ailment.


Chinese-West Medical Center LLc is based on the body’s healing arts are committed to meeting those needs, like :

  • Nervous System disorders such as peripheral neuropathy, Bell’s Palsy, Paralysis following stroke, trigeminal neuralgia.
  • Headaches and Migraines, Neck, Back pain or Shoulder pain,Sciatica or arthritis.
  • Tinnitus following acute otitis two weeks or other reasons.
  • Depression or chronic fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, or job stress.
  • Weight loss, addiction to tobacco, drugs or alcohol.
  • Gynecological problem such as dysmenorrheal, Menopause, morning sickness and infertility.
  • Gastrointestinal problems such as colitis, constipation, diarrhea and gastric hyperacidity.
  • Beauty for face lift, strengthen body constitution.