

Looking Ahead to a New Year in Old Sacramento

As we say goodbye to another year, we here in Old Sacramento want to take a moment to reflect on all the amazing things we’ve experienced in 2024, while looking forward to the exciting events and activities heading our way in 2025! Here are a few fun facts from the last year:



Website Launch
Exciting new features you need to know!

It’s officially Summer; the sun’s out, birds are singing, and guess what? We launched a NEW website! Now searching for the best restaurants, bars, and events in the Old Sacramento Waterfront is a breeze; and let’s be honest, we need that with rising temps! 


Welcome to our News Page
Explore and discover what's new!

Discover your next adventure, favorite shop, as well as stay updated with the latest information right here at our news section by selecting “Read More” below. Check back often as we feature business spotlights, post blogs, and report pertinent district information. Staying connected to the Old Sacramento Waterfront is now just a click away. #ComeFindIt